An API for AI for StarCraft II
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 sc2_client.hThe base class for Agent and ReplayObserver
 sc2_common.hCommon data types, including points, rectangles and colors
 sc2_connection.hA basic websocket connection and queue wrapper
 sc2_coordinator.hFrontend for running a game
 sc2_gametypes.hTypes used in setting up a game
 sc2_interfaces.hA set of public facing interfaces used to query game state
 sc2_map_info.hInformation about a game map
 sc2_replay_observer.hA client running a replay
 sc2_score.hScores accumulated in a game as calculated by the game engine
 sc2_server.hA basic websocket server for sc2
 sc2_typeenums.hA list of enums provided for your convenience
 sc2_types.hCommon types used by this API
 sc2_unit.hUnit data in an observation