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An API for AI for StarCraft II
Some quick start guides can be accessed in the main repository:
How to Build - How to get started building this project and how to build a Visual Studio solution.
Getting Started with SC2API - How to run examples.
Tutorial 1 - Create a simple bot.
Tutorial 2 - Make your bot build SCV's and Supply Depots.
Tutorial 3 - Building marines and scouting
If you're looking for the underlying protocol to communicate with the SC2 executable service see:
StarCraft II Client Protocol (s2client-proto)
The two most important interfaces you will use are the ObservationInterface and the ActionInterface which are available to your Agent. Get the ObservationInterface by calling Observation(), and the ActionInterface by calling Actions() from your Agent.
An "Agent" is your bot, capable of performing actions in a game – a player.
An "Observation" is a snapshot of the game's state at any given point in time, which is available at any time when a game or replay is running. The Observation Interface provides access to a list of units, including your Bot's units and enemy units that are visible to your units.
An "Action" is a command given to units, for example to attack, move or build a structure.