Class: KafkaConsumerStream


new KafkaConsumerStream(consumer, options)

ReadableStream integrating with the Kafka Consumer. This class is used to read data off of Kafka in a streaming way. It is useful if you'd like to have a way to pipe Kafka into other systems. You should generally not make this class yourself, as it is not even exposed as part of module.exports. Instead, you should KafkaConsumer.createReadStream. The stream implementation is slower than the continuous subscribe callback. If you don't care so much about backpressure and would rather squeeze out performance, use that method. Using the stream will ensure you read only as fast as you write. The stream detects if Kafka is already connected. If it is, it will begin reading. If it is not, it will connect and read when it is ready. This stream operates in objectMode. It streams {Consumer~Message}


Name Type Description
consumer Consumer The Kafka Consumer object.
options object Options to configure the stream.
Name Type Description
waitInterval number Number of ms to wait if Kafka reports that it has timed out or that we are out of messages (right now).
topics array Array of topics, or a function that parses metadata into an array of topics
  • Consumer~Message
  • stream.Readable